Matueté Blog

Archive for July de 2015

29 de July de 2015

:: (a) Brasil | *Urban @en | Art & Architecture @en | Brazil - Southeast Region @en

For those who still see Sao Paulo as the “city of skyscrapers with no architectural personality,” be aware that the MASP Museum (Art Museum of Sao Paulo) just joined the Condé Nast Traveler list of the 10 most beautiful buildings in the world!!!


It’s not rare, for city locals, to pass by the Paulista Avenue and not even notice the boldness of this modernist building which is the authentic portrait of the city: four red beams supporting an almost suspended concrete block, under an exceptional urban landscape. Some people like it, others not that much, but the impact caused by the building is undeniable!

MASP was projected by famous Brazilian/Italian architect Lina Bo Bardi in 1947, with the concept of creating an artistic platform (shaped as a container), and has become one of the most important museums in the Southern Hemisphere, with a very impressive collection of more than eight thousand pieces including renowned names in national and international painting, such as Van Gogh, Cândido Portinari, Anita Malfatti, Renoir, Rembrandt, Degas, Velázquez, Goya just to mention a few.

There’s nothing better than feeding the soul with remarkable experiences, so, whenever you’re in town, don’t miss the opportunity to feel like a real paulista, by walking around MASP and checking out all the cool events and expos happening there every month, such as the awesome retrospective of 200 years of French Art (From Delacroix to Cézanne) which is happening until October.

A privilege that should not be missed! 🙂

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21 de July de 2015

:: By Matueté @en


There’s nothing better than starting the week with good news and we have a great one to share with you: Matueté is now part of the selected list of Wendy Perrins Trusted Travel Experts  – the Wow List!


For those who doesn’t know, Wendy Perrins became one of the most influential travel consultants of the planet after 20 years as a consumer news expert for Conde Nast Traveler magazine. After this, she also collaborated with Trip Advisor and developed a solo project – in order to save the world from mediocre trips – and became an icon for the travel industry, with the most authentic and respected advices.

That’s why we are so proud!

Enjoy the hottest travel tips by checking Wendy’s website and our page in there:

And trust us to guarantee the best of each destination. 🙂

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17 de July de 2015

:: (a) Brasil | Gastronomy @en | Top 5 @en

Quick question: What’s the first drink that pops on your mind when you think about Brazil?

Ok, and besides caipirinha, can you name another one?

Hummm… no worries, we are here to make it easier and introduce you to others Brazilian delicious beverages, that may only appear too exotic, but we guarantee it’s worth trying.

1. Caldo de cana 

Also known as garapa, caldo de cana literally means “sugar juice.” If you peel a sugar cane and then run it through a pressing machine, it yields a greenish-yellow juice. It’s available in street markets practically everywhere in our country and feels like a refreshing bomb of sugar exploding in your mouth. Don’t miss it!


2. Chimarrão

The Brazilian version of yerba mate, also popular in Uruguay and Argentina. This special tea is both symbolic and social, and is commonly shared among friends. It’s considered to have many of the same health benefits as Chinese green tea and has plenty of natural caffeine in it. The drink is more common in the Southern states of Brazil where the cold weather helps enjoy this delicious tea.


3. Guaraná

Guaraná is the national soft drink of Brazil, and it has a sharp, distinct flavor. This drink gets its name from the guaraná berry, an Amazonian fruit that is a natural energy booster; it has twice the caffeine of coffee beans. Guaraná, the soda, has very small amounts of guaraná, the fruit. It taste like childhood for us. 🙂


4. Batida

Brazil’s version of an alcoholic smoothie. It’s basically a mix of cachaça, fruit, ice and lots of sugar. Batidas are a favorite at the kiosks that line along the beaches of our coast. All you have to do is name the fruit (coconut, strawberry, passion fruit…) and blend your customized refreshment.

*Fun fact: caipirinha is a type of batida. 


5. Vitamina de abacate

Brazilians, to the contrary of North Americans, think of the avocado as a fruit (and one that should be sweetened rather than salted). Vitamina de abacate is made by blending avocado, sugar, and milk. Try one first thing in the morning and you’ll be surprised by how much energy you gonna get and how well the flavor of avocado works as a sweet ingredient.


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15 de July de 2015

:: (a) Brasil | *Beach @en | Nature @en

Hidden in a peninsula in southern Bahia, Caraiva is the perfect destination for those seeking peace, quiet and a visual paradise. And we have a fantastic Villa over there!  By the sea, very exclusive and combines the simplicity of Bahia lifestyle with charm and comfort.


Villa 1 has 7 bright and spacious rooms,  with fantastic views; ideal for a family or a group of friends.

Are you in the mood? So follow the link to our website for more details on the amazing Villas available for rent. 🙂

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10 de July de 2015

:: (a) Brasil | *Urban @en | Gastronomy @en | Hospitality @en | Top 5 @en

A fairly widespread trend in places like New York, Berlin and Buenos Aires, starts to gain popularity in some Brazilian cities like Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

We’re talking about irreverent and exclusive dining experiences that happens in the most unusual places such as an art gallery, or a bookstore or even a terrace in Morro do Vidigal, (a pacified favela between Leblon and Ipanema, in Rio) for example. And the best part is that, sometimes, you just find out about the location, the chef and the menu at the minute you arrive!

Quite risky huh? But we guarantee it’s fun, spontaneous and a great way to get in touch with a new culture. 🙂

So, we selected a few options for curious and audacious travelers, willing to live a unique unforgettable experience. Check this out:

1. Clandestino

A townhouse in the iconic Beco do Batman, in Vila Madalena, São Paulo, is home to exclusive dinners conducted by chef Bel Coelho. The tasting menu is dedicated exclusively to Brazilian ingredients.


2. Secret Dinner

The secret is the key for this project of chef Gustavo Rigueiral and journalist Larissa Januário. The location of the dinner is only revealed during the day, by e-mail and it could happen in a residential dining room, or a studio, or even in an outdoor garden at some city park. The menu is also a surprise, exclusively created for each edition, according to the climate and the availability of seasonal ingredients. All you have to do is pic a date, write an email to [email protected] and receive all the details.


3. Casa do Araujo

The cozy house located in a charming village in the middle of Vila Mariana in São Paulo, is the residence of the musician Gustavo Araujo. 4 years ago, mostly on Friday nights, Araujo gets into his home and cooks for about 20 people. In one word: Delicious!


4. Fechado para Jantar

The project led by renowned chef Raphael Despirite, organizes dinners in unusual places. The events have happened in bookstores, theaters, in Morro do Vidigal, in a kitchenware store, a public library… and is so sucessful that already won a cub, the Knock Knock, with a bar atmosphere.


5. Casa da Tia Léa

The cook Lea Silva, or Aunt Leah, as it is known in the Vidigal community, receives since 2008 up to 20 people for lunch or dinner on the slab of her home during weekends. Besides the famous feijoada, the view from the top of Vidigal mountain makes the meal extra special.


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1 de July de 2015

:: (a) Brasil | Culture & History @en | Top 5 @en

We believe that a powerful soundtrack is a lovely way to get in touch with the culture, soul and vibe of a place, and Brazil is a sanctuary of musical treasures! It’s almost impossible to visit our country and not get touched by the strenght of the rhythm around here.

To get familiar with our bossa, all you have to do is click the links below to get inspired by our 11 selected jewels of Brazilian music.

It’s almost like being here… almost!

1. Aquele abraço – Gilberto Gil

Aquele Abraço is a samba written by Brazilian singer Gilberto Gil during a period of cultural censorship in Brazil. The lyric celebrate neighborhoods, landmarks, samba schools and popular culture figures of Rio de Janeiro. A beautiful classic!

2. Descobridor dos 7 mares – Tim Maia

This lively song written by Brazilian soul man Tim Maia is a contagious tribute to some of our famous beaches. Groovy 🙂

3. Aquarela do Brasil – Ary Barroso

One of the most popular Brazilian songs written by composer Ary Barroso in 1939. Due to the huge popularity achieved in the United States, the song received an English version composed by Bob Russell to Frank Sinatra in 1957. Since then, it has been interpreted by singers from almost all parts of the world. A hit!

4. Filhos de Gandhi – Gilberto Gil

Newly arrived from London in 1972, Gilberto Gil spent the Carnival in Bahia and found his favourite Carnival block – “Gandhi’s Son” – reduced to only 40 or 50 people, which inspired this beautiful song. The theme was also responsible to encourage people and rekindling the movement.

5. País Tropical – Jorge Ben

Composed by one of samba-rock legends Mr. Jorge Ben in 1969, quickly the song became a huge success just in time for the atmosphere of jingoism that the military regime was using in its advertising in the country. It simply says that Brazil is a tropical country, blessed by God and beautiful by nature… and we cannot disagree. 🙂

6. Querelas do brasil – Elis Regina

First performed by Elis Regina in April 1978, the song is a reference to “Aquarela do Brasil” and to Brazil’s economic elite that was attacking the popular culture of the country with an Americanized culture which can be perceived by verses as “Brazil does not know Brazil”.

7. Sandálias de prata – Ary Barroso

Also written by master Ary Barroso, this song from 1942 is a simple and gentle portrait of our culture: happy and fearless.

*performed by João Gilberto

8. Sampa – Caetano Veloso

Caetano Veloso wrote this song in 1965 about his first time in Sao Paulo. The way his heart felt when he crossed famous avenues, landmarks and how quickly people take in the city’s reality. <3

9. Canta Brasil – Gal Costa

This samba is considered one of the country hymns composed by Alcyr Pires and interpreted by singer Gal Costa. Talks about miscegenation and exalts the beauty of national culture. 🙂

10. Aquarela Brasileira – Martinho da Vila

And we could not miss a Carnival theme on our list, right? Aquarela Brasileira (or Brazilian watercolor) was composed by singer Martinho da Villa and was the representative song for the Imperio Serrano samba school in 1964. So powerful!

 11. Brasis – Seu Jorge

A fresh vision composed by singer Seu Jorge that explains the existence of several different and contrasting Brazils.




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