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Lençóis Maranhenses


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The time of the year you visit can make or break your trip. Heavy rains are prminent at the beginning of the year and by the end of the year the lagoon are dry. Visit the Lençóis between end of May and August and you will enjoy the crystal clear lagoons in their full splendor.

lencois12A desert of sand dunes almost 20m high interspersed with crystal clear fresh water lagoons forming one of the most striking landscapes in the country in a region few international travellers visit and ideal for adventure seekers. Violent winds and changing landscapes; thresholds where mangrove meets desert, desert meets ocean and ocean meets rivers: a uniquely raw and remarkable site.

DSC_0180 - siteExploring the Lençois National Park, its dunes, lagoons and communities is arduous and extremely rewarding, and we recommend a blend of air, overland and strategic cruising opportunities. This is the best way to fully come to terms with the wonders of this destination. We suggest itineraries that range from bite size exploits that can focus one region or a mix of two, or a 9 day overland adventure that crosses the park and beaches all the way to the state of Ceará where you can enjoy some kite surfing and pampering after days in the wild.

Roberto Setubal (8)Hotels in the Lençóis are a necessity and not a destination in themselves, so don’t expect spas and ample comfy bungalows. We visit the region regularly in order to update the state of different properties and a trip in the region involves staying in a blend of standard but extremely well located hotels and guest houses. In Jericoacoara in Ceará, if you choose the beach crossing, you’ll have access to creature comforts again.