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Itacaré . Bahia


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The best time to go to Bahia is during the summertime. Visiting the region during the winter is not recommendable, because there are great chances of rain and wind.

102_2279 - sitePerfect for travelers who want to spend a good time at the Bahia coast, away from the mass tourism; perfect for those who surf or want to learn it; for the nature-lovers and the ones interested in History. The cocoa is present everywhere and the visit can be a deep imersion on this subject, which dictated the development and the socio-political structure of the region.

baitacare05We embrace the Bahian rhythm and its location; beach walks, surf classes, visits to cocoa farms and historical sites of the region, boat ride across the river and  trekking at the Atlantic rainforest.

IMG_0203Itacaré offers a little, yet inspiring selection of excellent hotels – since a small lodging, hidden between the beach, the river and the rainforest, to an extraordinary Luxury resort. Our villas portfolio has some astonishing properties at this region.