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Archive for October de 2010

25 de October de 2010

:: *Beach @en | Adventure @en | Brazil - Northeast Region @en



The New York Times travel correspondent, Seth Kugel, recently wrote about his first assignment on his internet blog, The Frugal Traveler: a Latin America “summer” trip, from São Paulo to New York, visiting various wonderful destinations on a low budget. During his 13-week trip he passed by Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Mexico. When it was over, Seth chose the highs and lows of his trip and amazingly (or not) picked the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, in Brazil, as his trip’s Best Moment.

The most beautiful place in the world? I could make an argument. At the very least I’d never seen anything like it before — a desert with oases that were not only real, but so cool and clean that they could have been poured from a Brita pitcher.

Seth Kugel, The Frugal Traveler


The Lençóis Maranhenses is a large desert of sand dunes almost 20m high in the northeastern region of Brazil. These dunes dotted with fresh water crystal clear lagoons and seen from above the landscape reminds one of crumpled sheets (in Portuguese: Lençóis) – giving this alluring destination its name. This is a destination of violent winds and changing landscapes; of thresholds where mangrove meets desert, desert meets ocean and ocean meets rivers. The Lençóis is certainly one of the most unique and impressive landscapes in the country, perhaps in the world!



Still curious? Click here and find out more about this heaven on earth destination.

Source: The Frugal Traveler

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